Jie Zhao (赵捷)

Jie Zhao (赵捷)


Hunan University

Jie Zhao is a Full Professor of the College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering of Hunan University. He established a good relationship with tech giants including Huawei Technologies, Alibaba Group and startups like Stream Computing Co., Ltd. Jie Zhao obtained his PhD under the supervision of Prof. Albert Cohen from PARKAS, a research group affiliated to the Département d’Informatique of École Normale Supérieure and INRIA Paris. Education & Experience tells more about his academic and industrial careers. Jie Zhao is interested in building intelligent software systems, with a particular focus on compilers, architectures and program analysis. Research indicates his research topics, funding, honors and awards in detail, with the related Publications and open-source Projects & Repositories also provided.


This part collects a(n incomplete) list of Jie Zhao’s publications. Posters and workshp papers without formal proceedings are not recorded. More information is available at Google Scholar and dblp.

[OSDI 2024]
Enabling Tensor Language Model to Assist in Generating High-Performance Tensor Programs for Deep Learning
Yi Zhai, Sijia Yang, Keyu Pan, Renwei Zhang, Shuo Liu, Chao Liu, Zichun Ye, Jianmin Ji, Jie Zhao, Yu Zhang, and Yanyong Zhang
In 18th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 24) Jul 2024
[PPoPP 2024]
A Holistic Approach to Automatic Mixed-Precision Code Generation and Tuning for Affine Programs
Jinchen Xu, Guanghui Song, Bei Zhou, Fei Li, Jiangwei Hao, and Jie Zhao
In Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGPLAN Annual Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming Jul 2024
[TOCS 2024]
Modeling the Interplay between Loop Tiling and Fusion in Optimizing Compilers Using Affine Relations
Jie Zhao, Jinchen Xu, Peng Di, Wang Nie, Jiahui Hu, Yanzhi Yi, Sijia Yang, Zhen Geng, Renwei Zhang, Bojie Li, Zhiliang Gan, and Xuefeng Jin
ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. Jan 2024
[MLSys 2023]
SIRIUS: Harvesting Whole-Program Optimization Opportunities for DNNs
Yijin Li, Jiacheng Zhao, Qianqi Sun, Haohui Mai, Lei Chen, Wanlu Cao, Yanfan Chen, Zhicheng Li, Ying Liu, Xinyuan Zhang, Xiyu Shi, Jie Zhao, Jingling Xue, Huimin Cui, and Xiaobing Feng
In Proceedings of Machine Learning and Systems Jan 2023
[OSDI 2023]
Effectively Scheduling Computational Graphs of Deep Neural Networks toward Their Domain-Specific Accelerators
Jie Zhao, Siyuan Feng, Xiaoqiang Dan, Fei Liu, Chengke Wang, Sheng Yuan, Wenyuan Lv, and Qikai Xie
In Proceedings of the 17th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 23) Jul 2023
[ASE 2023]
Eiffel: Inferring Input Ranges of Significant Floating-point Errors via Polynomial Extrapolation
Zuoyan Zhang, Bei Zhou, Jiangwei Hao, Hongru Yang, Mengqi Cui, Yuchang Zhou, Guanghui Song, Fei Li, Jinchen Xu, and Jie Zhao
In Proceedings of the 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2023) Sep 2023
[PACT 2022]
Parallelizing Neural Network Models Effectively on GPU by Implementing Reductions Atomically
Jie Zhao, Cédric Bastoul, Yanzhi Yi, Jiahui Hu, Wang Nie, Renwei Zhang, Zhen Geng, Chong Li, Thibaut Tachon, and Zhiliang Gan
In Proceedings of 31st International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques Sep 2022
[ICPP 2022]
Automatically Generating High-performance Matrix Multiplication Kernels on the Latest Sunway Processor
Xiaohan Tao, Yu Zhu, Boyang Wang, Jinlong Xu, Jianmin Pang, and Jie Zhao
In Proceedings of the 51st International Conference on Parallel Processing Sep 2022
[MLSys 2022]
Apollo: Automatic Partition-based Operator Fusion through Layer by Layer Optimization
Jie Zhao, Xiong Gao, Ruijie Xia, Zhaochuang Zhang, Deshi Chen, Lei Chen, Renwei Zhang, Zhen Geng, Bin Cheng, and Xuefeng Jin
In Proceedings of Machine Learning and Systems Sep 2022
  • machine learning systems
  • polyhedral compilers
  • numerical program analysis
  • high-level synthesis
  • PhD, 2016 - 2018

    PSL Research University

  • PhD, 2012 - 2016

    Information Engineering University

  • MEng, 2009 - 2012

    Information Engineering University

  • BSc, 2005 - 2009

    Tsinghua University